Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Money is only as valuable as people that want it.  like any other commodity.  BitCoin is where it is at right now.  I did the Wallet thing on two of my laptops last night.  going to look into setting up all my extra computers I have laying around and seeing if I can't make something incredible for mining, whether it be a pool all by itself or whatever.  I am still learning,  looks like I will need some hefty hardware to make any Bitcoins though.  we will see what I can come up with.

maybe I can start a new mining pool or something, I just don't know.  like I said earlier I am still learning about this Currency/Technology.

if anyone has any pointers about setting up a couple of mining machines using unwanted laptops and towers  please feel free to Comment.  

bad, good or indifferent I would like to hear about your experiences with #Bitcoin or your knowledge of +Bitcoin 

Sunday, March 24, 2013


I have Broken 100 Views!!! alright!!!  Thank you everyone!  I wish some of you would leave some Comments though so that I know that all of these views are not just random Bots scanning my blogs for Search Engines and other similar sites.

but hey it makes me feel good!  LOL

hope you all enjoyed your Sunday!  I know I did, between Playing with my little ones and logging into to work to fix some applications after an update,  I had a wonderful day!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mod Nation Racers Track!!

I called it Ziggy-Zags  see if you can find it.   I got the Idea from a Picture I saw on my Google+ Feed the other day.  it is uploaded and ready to Race i am waiting for some people to join me so I can test it out against real people.  

anyone else have any cool tracks they want to share?

SpongeBob Saturday

I just don't understand what it is about SpongeBob, but you just can't help but watch!

I Figured that my Little Girl Wanted to Watch Star Trek or something cool like that, but she told me otherwise.  so now we are watching SpongeBob.  I am working on My Blog and playing a browser Game or Two.  Later I am going to Work a little bit, and then after that going to play with the Kiddos and probably take a Nap I think.  I love Saturdays!

What do you like to Do on Saturdays?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Another Windy Day

I think that there are more windy days here than calm days, by a lot.
makes for a cold miserable day outside.  but the Weather will be better soon, and then it is fishing After Work whenever I can!  but first I will have to start cutting back on my browser Games, lol.

cut back on the browser games and work on my Blog,,, and hopefully some other websites as well.

I think I am going to pull up Outdoorwebpages right now and start chiseling away on it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

out sick

I have been sick all weekend, but Today I only have the sniffles and a little tickle in the throat, so I am back to work writing SQL Queries for Reports!  YAY!

going to work on websites after work I think and get back into Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, I am on the last season that is on Netflix, then I will probably start on Voyager?  I think that is the next one in

Friday, March 15, 2013


Fridays Suck and are awesome all at the same time.

they Suck because they seem to drag on, all day long. they just might be longer than Mondays.
I think that they are so long because I am thinking about what I am going to do after work and all weekend, all day long.  being a procrastinator doesn't help, I put of weekend preparations all week long until Friday comes, probably a bad habit from my earlier partying days, when the weekend meant partying and having a good time, and you didn't know what the plan was, because riding by the seat of your pants was half of the fun. but now I just put things off that I could do quickly (that I should be doing everyday) until the end of the week and then it seems overwhelming.  Eventually I will have a set routine for all of the things that I need to do during the week and monthly, hopefully doing this will relieve some of the stress of my Fridays.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Beautiful day!

Such a nice day outside today! I wish I got paid today instead of tomorrow I would go get myself a fishing license and go fishing after work today!

The day is dragging on

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

This Weekend

I was somewhat busy this weekend, we went to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate me getting old,  the Children loved playing all the games.

My little girl was especially good at playing a basketball type game and my little man was trying his hardest to master ski-ball, even though he was trying to throw it overhand, LOL I finally convinced him to roll the ball underhand but he didn't have the umph to get it into one of the scoring zones, but he was so proud of himself for getting the ball all the way up the track, and that was victory enough for him,  the tickets that came out were a secondary reward at most if he didn't throw them on the floor....LOL

My Girlfriend and her friend were having a blast Rockin' out on the arcade style Rockband machine, all she could talk about the rest of the weekend was that we had to buy the game for Playstation 3 and get the guitars and Drums and all the needed equipment to set up our own Rockband in our living room.

one of my presents was the game Mod Nation Racer,  so that is was I did during Nap Times and after the kiddos went to bed, I have created 2 tracks so far and have a pretty cool Car set up for myself, but I still have lots and lots to unlock.

then Monday came and it was back to work for me!

I also have some phone calls to make for the House Loan thing and then get a hold of the loan officer and see how much we qualify for.  going to be an exciting week!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

wow! 30+ Views

Thank you to everyone reading my posts.  by reading my posts you keep me wanting to write more and more of my thoughts everyday! I actually look forward to writing in this blog.
I haven't ever written a blog before I built, I knew that I would need something apart from Facebook and Google+( +HartWebpages ) to really show People that this is an active website and application development business.

I am hoping that the blog will allow people to interact with Hartwebpages and myself in order to provide better products for my customers, as well as (hopefully) gain some new ones, and keep people interested in Web Design and application development.

I think my main project, that I am going to actually work on, right now is going to be is a site that my dad was running for quite some time, he has been in the computer industry since I was little and started a website for a business that we ran as a family in Deadwood, SD giving tours of what was left of the Chinese underground there in Deadwood.
From there he started doing Electronic newsletters for a smoke shop in Rapid City, and quickly moved on to building websites for hunting clubs and other people that needed sites for other purposes.

he is an old school website builder and has allowed me to take over the site and the business produced from that site, knowing that I will be able to bring OutdoorWebpages into the Future with fun new Technology and a willingness to update it on a regular basis with fun new ideas, and knowing that I will be able and willing to spend the time, doing what I love, Writing the Code and building the site.

so look forward to seeing more wonderful websites with the HartWebpages or OutdoorWebpages Mark!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Android Game?

I think that I want to try and build a Browser Style game for Android.  it will be a little bit of a learning curve for me because it has been a while since I have worked on an Android Application,  but I think that it will be fun and enjoyable to Create a game and learn the process better.

I've only built one Android Application, and it was far from being finished,  I still have it on my phone but it was mostly to satisfy an assignment.   I want this project to be more than just to satisfy an assignment, I want it to be something that I can build on and make grow into something that perhaps will someday circle the globe at least once, if not just to say that I have created something that thousands have seen or played.

Eventually the Game would also become a browser game for those that like the interactions with their Desktops/Laptops.  I don't think that it would be hard to link the Android App/Game to the Website half once I have the Database set up and all the algorithms figured out, i think it would be more Graphics than anything.

What do you think?

Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday Back to Work!

lots of Stuff going on at work today, everyone is buzzing about.  we just brought another 27 counties online with the new Software!  lots of stuff to fix or alter to make sure that everyone has what they need and what they would like.

I need to start working on the browser game that has been floating around in my head for like the past 3 months or more.  I think it will take quite a bit of work.  I think that I am holding myself back from starting on it because I am not so sure where to start.  I know it will be a challenge, a challenge that I could conquer for sure, but a challenge nonetheless.

sometimes I think that it intimidates me a little bit, but at the same time I know that I could do it if I just took the time to write it.  maybe I am just too impatient to do a large project like that.

I think I let the " not knowing where to start " keep me from actually starting.  do I start with the Database or do I start with the website?

I just procrastinate too much.  LOL

Saturday, March 2, 2013


Running around with my kiddos getting things done.  The only song they want to listen to is that move it move it song from the movie Madagascar. They think that the name of the song is madagascar. :)  they are so silly!

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Beginning

This is the Beginning of a Wonderful Journey

I have so many wonderful ideas that float around in my head from day to day, so I have decided that I would take the time [hopefully] every day to write an entry into a blog and share some of these ideas/thoughts with others and hope that it helps motivate and excite me to reach my goals that, until now, I have only been sharing with myself.
doing this won't help me attain all the things that I want to do, but I am sure that it will help me weed out the fad ideas that I have floating around in my head, and help me focus on the thing that will entertain and satisfy my body and spirit.

I welcome you all to my Wonderful Journey through Space and TIME!

Lyle Hart III